閱讀全文余孟勳專欄/疫情中你我能做的幾件事,助公益部門度過嚴峻考驗【反酷刑系列】突襲訪視移民收容所,揭發有辱難民人格的不當待遇/捷克 NPM 手記
倘若當時沒有 NPM 的存在,可會有人揭發那些被關在樹林深處的移民所受到的有辱人格待遇?
閱讀全文【反酷刑系列】突襲訪視移民收容所,揭發有辱難民人格的不當待遇/捷克 NPM 手記National Preventive Mechanism at children institutes IN CZECH
The Czech NPM has found that cases of ill-treatment are generally committed in children’s institutes regarding the failure to respect the right to privacy, the right to family life, the right to participate in the decision-making process, and the social autonomy of children.
閱讀全文National Preventive Mechanism at children institutes IN CZECH【反酷刑系列】突襲訪視兒少安置機構,從人權角度辨識壓迫/捷克 NPM 手記
閱讀全文【反酷刑系列】突襲訪視兒少安置機構,從人權角度辨識壓迫/捷克 NPM 手記【人權星期三】國家的良心與軟實力、政府內建的除錯程式——國家人權委員會誕生
閱讀全文【人權星期三】國家的良心與軟實力、政府內建的除錯程式——國家人權委員會誕生Planning a visit to a place of detention
The better the preparations are done, the more likely that the monitors can reveal the signs of torture and ill treatment.
閱讀全文Planning a visit to a place of detention【反酷刑系列】杜絕機構酷刑,國家防範機制如何規畫突襲訪視行程?/捷克 NPM 手記
越完善的事前規畫,讓 NPM 更有機會揭露不當對待事件的蛛絲馬跡,帶領我們接近該拘禁場所的真實景象。
閱讀全文【反酷刑系列】杜絕機構酷刑,國家防範機制如何規畫突襲訪視行程?/捷克 NPM 手記余孟勳隨筆/汲取獨特臺灣經驗全民防疫,不叫運氣
閱讀全文余孟勳隨筆/汲取獨特臺灣經驗全民防疫,不叫運氣Setting up an NPM annual visit plan
The “places of detention” not only includes prisons and police stations, but also health care and social care facilities like private elderly homes.
閱讀全文Setting up an NPM annual visit plan