



We should also remember that the NPM is not the only measure prescribed by the Convention against Torture to prevent torture.
How should we determine the nature of those treatments and determine whether they reach the level of ill-treatment?
NPM 應從個別病患的治療計畫目的,來評估他或她受到的對待是否合理正當。
It’s the NPM’s responsibility to continue monitoring and pressure for reform whenever there is a chance.
把握每一個可能的機會繼續監測人權情況與施壓政府改革,正是 NPM 的責任。
Would the degrading treatment of migrants in the unknown facility hidden in the woods be revealed to the world if there was no NPM?
倘若當時沒有 NPM 的存在,可會有人揭發那些被關在樹林深處的移民所受到的有辱人格待遇?
The Czech NPM has found that cases of ill-treatment are generally committed in children’s institutes regarding the failure to respect the right to privacy, the right to family life, the right to participate in the decision-making process, and the social autonomy of children.